Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Western Movie News Round Up

I love westerns. Always have. I guess it’s because I have fond memories of being with my Grandpa while he watched John Wayne classics, or because I was exposed to reruns of Rawhide every afternoon after kindergarten (we didn’t have cable, and had five channels-it was Rowdy Yates versus soap operas, so you can guess which one won). Anyway, I search the internet constantly looking for a lead on any new westerns being made. It’s rare I find anything. For some reason, the once great genre has fallen out of favor. So, I have taken it upon myself, as a service to humanity, to regularly report any news I find on upcoming westerns. So, check back often as I’ll update the blog anytime I get good news.

There are a couple of westerns in the works. The most promising, in my opinion, is a retelling of the classic television series The Big Valley. The film is being distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was due to be released this spring, but a recent message on their Facebook page stated filming is on hiatus until May, and the film should be finished this fall. However, another source reported the filming will resume in August. Either way, it will most likely be 2012 before we see the film. I cannot get word on if it will have a theatrical run, or will be direct to DVD. Jessica Lange will be playing the matriarch Victoria Barkley. The film also has some veteran actors like Bruce Dern, and even Lee Majors will have a small role in the film. I hope they make it a bit edgier than the show, throwing in a few more gunfights. The series was essentially a soap opera set in the old west, but maybe the movie will be updated a bit. Let’s hope they don’t update it, however, by adding offensive content. Time will tell. It will be good to see ol’ Bruce Dern back in the saddle again.

The biggest western news to come across the web recently is the fact that Quentin Tarantino is making a western. The majority of folks talking about this seem to think it will be the greatest movie ever made. There is a lot of excitement over this project. I guess I’m in the minority. I’m worried Tarantino will add an excessive level of foul language and over the top violence, as he seems to do in every movie he’s ever made. Tarantino has made no secret that he’s a fan of spaghetti westerns (I am not, for the most part) so I’m sure the film will pay homage to that genre. We’ll see how this one plays out, but I’m not holding my breath. If you would like to know more about this project, click here to read a story published this morning.

The excellent 2010 film, True Grit, finally has a Blu-ray/DVD release date! It will be hitting stores on June 7, 2011. I’m not sure why it’s taking so long for the movie to hit the home video market, but it’s well worth the wait.

That’s all the western news I have for now. Hopefully I’ll here soon of a new project in the works, and will be able to report .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some Quick Reflections On Christian Cinema

Mollywood exists. I know, you’ve probably never heard of it, but it’s out there. Mollywood is the term for Latter-day Saint cinema (stemming from the phrase “Molly Mormon). In recent years, a generation of Mormon filmmakers has risen up. Some of the movies are great (Singles Ward) and some are not so great (I won’t name names). But, it is safe to say that LDS films have come a long way! Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about their evangelical counterparts.

Before I go any farther, let me say that I am not LDS. I have LDS friends, and lived in Utah for a time, so I’m very familiar with Mormon culture. I am an evangelical. And yes, I’m going to pick on Christian filmmakers a bit, but not for the same reasons all those secular critics do. You see, for years I’ve hoped there would come a day when Christian filmmakers came forward and made quality films. It’s starting to happen, but we still have a long way to go!

Used to, every film produced by evangelicals was about the Rapture! Sometimes they even starred celebrities who were a bit past their prime (I’m looking in your direction, Gary Busey). But it seems every Christian movie maker believed a story wasn’t worth telling unless it presented dispensationalist eschatology with poor special effects. Recently, though, a new breed of films has made their way to the forefront. The folks at Sherwood Baptist Church in Georgia have turned out some really decent movies with great messages! However, I’m still not satisfied. Now, don’t get me wrong, the Sherwood movies are great. But, they are essentially hour and a half long sermon illustrations. That is to say, they are pushing a message. That’s not bad. I agree with the messages they push. But sometimes, I don’t want to hear preaching. I want to be entertained. And guess what: there’s nothing wrong with that. Message movies and sheer entertainment movies each have their place.

So, back to LDS cinema. Some Mormon movies are “preachy.” Some are just a good time! We need evangelicals who will realize that it’s alright to make a movie just because it’s funny and not because it teaches a moral. I don’t really care for the drama genre. I’d like to see a good comedy that is clean, and that portrays the lead characters as Christians. I would really relate to that sort of movie. Or, perhaps even an action movie or police film where the detectives are decent, Bible believing people. Basically, evangelical filmmakers could learn a lot from the folks over in Utah. I guarantee that if a funny, quality picture came out tailored for Christians it would do great business at the box office! So, I hope wannabe Christian filmmakers out there will read this and be encouraged to stick with it. Let’s get involved in the film industry and redeem our culture. And in the mean time, go watch Singles Ward or The R.M. and see how a faith based movie can be done right.